I had mentioned before that my ex-girlfriend was getting married on April Fool's day. Myself not being one to be outdone, I figured I'd beat her to the punch. Mailing list, meet my new wife, Sandy. (God, isn't THAT a typical beach bum name! Oh, i -KNOW- you're not a "beach bum," honey. By the way, no one likes people reading over their shoulder.) Since she's watching me write, I guess I have to be on my best behavior and NOT tell y'all about that birthmark she's got...heheh...the only thing saving me right now is her wonderment at the word "y'all." It's a southern thing, I guess. At any rate, we met about two weeks ago. Ironically, this was when I was writing that journal entry about the prom and marriage and such. She had approached me in a restaurant where I was writing it, having noticed the Linux penguin sticker on my laptop. Conversation ensued, and it's all a blur from there. Ah, geek girls. Gotta love them. I figure that not knowing much about your spouse is probably the best way to get married, anyhow. I mean, you don't really have any expectations then, right? Will write more tommorow, but today's been...uh, HECTIC to say the least! Yikes. --ryan.