Hey, y'all. Greetings from a Palm Pilot IIIc. Using this thing is going to take some getting used to! I'm writing this text on a computer that fits in my hand. The way you enter text on this little device is with a pen-like tool called a "stylus". There's a little area at the bottom of the screen where you scribble in a language called "graffiti". The gist is that you write invisible letters in this area that seem to me to be a mixture of English and ancient Greek; indeed, the symbol you write for 'k' is actually a lowercase alpha. It's very space-efficient; a whole keyboard, including letters, numbers, punctuation, and foreign characters takes up about 1x1.5 inches. You find out very quickly how rarely some letters are used, and how often other ones are...I never realized how many times the letter 'R' comes up in English until I had trouble writing it. For certain, there's nothing quite like challenging your basic assumptions about the alphabet. Or the ability to write e-mail while on the john. What a tradeoff. Other than the new horizons, and the fact that this thing has a Java Virtual Machine and all three Zorks already, there's not much new to report. Not to mention that it took me about 3.5 eons to write this much. The things I do for technology. I'm going to stop promising to write about specific topics on specific days. I still haven't gotten around to telling y'all about Gertrude at the cast party. :) So, for the time-being, we'll just file such tales under "for later." --ryan. "Let's get together and feel alright..." --Bob Marley.